Friday, April 29, 2005
Announcement: my new Website
My new website at is up and running ! It is linked here to the sidebar on the left of your monitor under "Links - Homepage of Luigi Frascati" to open up in a new window, or you can click it at the bottom of each post (but then you move out of this URL). Please take the time to go view it and let me know your comments and suggestions.
On a different matter, I would like to say that I am very pleased to have hosted, as of today, 105 visitors to my Blog in the past three weeks. Please note that the Site Meter is set to ignore my own visits. From a statistical perspective I have received forteen private e-mails which I have acknowledged and three visitors have posted their comments online here. I am very satisfied by this turn out, which indicates I must be doing a pretty good job. I would like to invite all visitors to post their comments online whenever possible, since many of the points raised are of general interest to all. That stated, however, I will continue to respond to all e-mails individually.
Finally, do not forget that I can send my quarterly e-newsletter as well. All it takes is a brief e-mail to me requesting a subscription. The Real Estate Chronicle e-newsletter comes in Word format, is four pages long and in full colors. Subscriptions are free, of course, and you can opt out at any time. But I think that you will find it useful and very informative.
Once again, thank you all for visiting my Blog.
Luigi Frascati
Real Estate Chronicle